Jeff’s Ultimate
License Plate Website
Counties (1 to 67+)
1 - Dade
2 - Duval
3 - Hillsborough
4 - Pinellas
5 - Polk
6 - Palm Beach
7 - Orange
8 - Volusia
9 - Escambia
10 - Broward
11 - Alachua
12 - Lake
13 - Leon
14 - Marion
15 - Manatee
16 - Sarasota
17 - Seminole
18 - Lee
19 - Brevard
20 - Saint Johns
21 - Gadsden
22 - Putnam
23 - Bay
24 - Saint Lucie
25 - Jackson
26 - Osceola
27 - Highlands
28 - Pasco
29 - Columbia
30 - Hardee
31 - Suwannee
32 - Indian River
33 - Santa Rosa
34 - DeSoto
35 - Madison
36 - Walton
37 - Taylor
38 - Monroe
39 - Levy
40 - Hernando
41 - Nassau
42 - Martin
43 - Okaloosa
44 - Sumter
45 - Bradford
46 - Jefferson
47 - Citrus
48 - Clay
49 - Hendry
50 - Washington
51 - Holmes
52 - Baker
53 - Charlotte
54 - Dixie
55 - Gilchrist
56 - Hamilton
57 - Okeechobee
58 - Calhoun
59 - Franklin
60 - Glades
61 - Flagler
62 - Lafayette
63 - Union
64 - Collier
65 - Wakulla
66 - Gulf
67 - Liberty
68 - DMV
90 - Duplicate
Counties (A to Z)
Alachua (11)
Baker (52)
Bay (23)
Bradford (45)
Brevard (19)
Broward (10)
Calhoun (58)
Charlotte (53)
Citrus (47)
Clay (48)
Collier (64)
Columbia (29)
DMV (68)
Dade (1)
DeSoto (34)
Dixie (54)
Duplicate (90)
Duval (2)
Escambia (9)
Flagler (61)
Franklin (59)
Gadsden (21)
Gilchrist (55)
Glades (60)
Gulf (66)
Hamilton (56)
Hardee (30)
Hendry (49)
Hernando (40)
Highlands (27)
Hillsborough (3)
Holmes (51)
Indian River (32)
Jackson (25)
Jefferson (46)
Lafayette (62)
Lake (12)
Lee (18)
Leon (13)
Levy (39)
Liberty (67)
Madison (35)
Manatee (15)
Marion (14)
Martin (42)
Monroe (38)
Nassau (41)
Okaloosa (43)
Okeechobee (57)
Orange (7)
Osceola (26)
Palm Beach (6)
Pasco (28)
Pinellas (4)
Polk (5)
Putnam (22)
Saint Johns (20)
Saint Lucie (24)
Santa Rosa (33)
Sarasota (16)
Seminole (17)
Sumter (44)
Suwannee (31)
Taylor (37)
Union (63)
Volusia (8)
Wakulla (65)
Walton (36)
Washington (50)
Non-passenger types
40/8 Voiture
90 (Replacement)
Ambulance (K)
Antique/Historic Vehicle (Q)
Apportioned; Arrive Alive
Agriculture Dept.; front plates
B (Trailer, private)
BB (Trailer, private)
Booster plates, local
Booster plates, "Florida"
Bus for Hire/Limousine (E)
Bus for Hire (S)
City Bus (C)
Commercial Vehicle (CV)
Commercial <2050 lbs (G)
Commercial 2051-3050 lbs (GH)
Commercial 3051-5050 lbs (GK)
Commercial >5050 lbs (GL)
Convention Car
D (Passenger)
Disabled Veteran (DV)
Duval County - Jacksonville Bridge
E (Limousine/Bus for Hire)
Error and Test plates
Exempt (X)
FIC, FPS, FSTA, etc.
Florida Highway Patrol
FO (Half-year trailer for hire >4001 lbs)
G (Commercial <2050 lbs)
GF (Truck for hire, full-year)
GH (Commercial 2051-3050 lbs)
GK (Commercial 3051-5050 lbs)
GL (Commercial >5050 lbs)
Government, misc.
Government, Highway Patrol, etc.
Government, State Road Department
GW (Heavy Equipment)
Half-year trailer for hire >4001 lbs (FO)
Ham Radio
Handicapped (HP)
Harvest Truck/Off-road Vehicle (P)
Heavy Equipment (GW)
Highway Patrol
HF (Truck for hire >4051 lbs
Historic/Antique Vehicle (Q)
HP (Handicapped)
Jacksonville Bridge - Duval County
K (Ambulance)
L (Semi-trailer)
Limousine/Bus for Hire (E)
Maintenance Tag
Member of Congress (MC)
Mobile Home (MH)
Miccosukee Indian
N (Rental Trailer)
NN (Rental Trailer)
O (Semi-trailer for hire)
Off-road Vehicle/Harvest Truck (P)
P (Off-road Vehicle/Harvest Truck)
Passenger (weight class D)
Passenger (weight class T)
Passenger (weight class W)
Passenger (weight class WW)
Police, other government
Private Trailer (B)
Private Trailer (BB)
Private Trailer <500 lbs (V)
Pub. Serv. Commission
Q (Antique/Historic Vehicle)
Recreational Vehicle (RV)
Rental Trailer (N)
Rental Trailer (NN)
Replacement (90)
Rickenbacker Causeway
R.R. & P.U. Commission
RV (Recreational Vehicle)
S (Bus for Hire)
Semi-trailer (L)
Semi-trailer for hire (O)
Seminole Indian
Senator; misc. political
SRD (State Road Department)
T (Passenger)
TA-TE (Truck Tractor)
TAF-TEF (Half-year Truck Tractor)
Tax Exempt (X)
Taxicab (R.R. & P.U. Commission)
Trailer, half-year for hire >4001 lbs (FO)
Trailer, private (B)
Trailer, private (BB)
Trailer, private <500 lbs (V)
Trailer, rental (N)
Trailer, rental (NN)
Tribal Plates
Truck for hire, full-year (GF)
Truck for hire >4051 lbs (HF)
Truck Tractor (TA-TE; TAF-TEF half-yr)
V (Private trailer <500 lbs)
Venetian Causeway
Voiture (40/8)
W (Passenger)
WW (Passenger)
X (Tax Exempt)
Baker County (52)